Belt Tying for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

When you first start Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you will likely purchase a gi and a belt. When you arrive for your first day of class, you put the gi pants on; easy enough. You put the jacket on. So far so good. Then look down at the belt in your hand and you realize that you have no idea how to tie a belt knot. So naturally, you ask an experienced student how to do it, you get the belt tied, although it doesn’t look as nice as your helper’s, and you jump in to your first Jiu Jitsu class! It seems like you’re on your way, except with in 2-3 minutes, your Jiu Jitsu belt has fallen off.

This is the experience almost all of us have when we first go to a Brazlian JIu Jitsu academy. Constant gi and belt fixing is, unfortunately, part of the game. Gis cannot be made with ties because the thinner material that could be used to fasten gis closed would ultimately rip off, and belts have to be made of thick material for the exact same reason. This thick material makes it difficult to tie a tight knot, especially when your belt is brand new and stiff. Below is a video that should help you to tie the correct knot in your Jiu Jitsu belt to help minimize these inconveniences!

We hope this helps, and if you’re interested in taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class in Escondido, CA, come check out Prism Jiu Jitsu!


How to be Stronger for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training


Avoiding Injury in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu