Eating healthy and working out for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu(BJJ) is a long and demanding journey. Whether you are a first timer or Jiu Jitsu veteran, ensuring you have a healthy diet followed with a solid fitness regimen, can significantly increase the longevity of your body and your performance on and off the mat. let’s dive into the physical demands of BJJ so those that may not know, can have a better understanding.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu requires a certain level of flexibility, strength, and endurance. These attributes don’t need to be met pre starting this martial arts keep in mind. They can be developed during your time training, although in order to maintain healthy joints and help excel your Jiu Jitsu, it is vital that you fuel your body with all of the essential nutrients. For example, putting an emphasis on key macronutrients (carbs, protein and healthy fats) along with ensuring you have the right amount of micronutrients (your vitamins and minerals) you will be helping yourself recover faster as well as having higher energy levels.

Now that we touched base with the importance of a healthy diet for Jiu Jitsu and martial arts overall, let’s look at how we can maximize our workouts by implementing effective training routines, tailored to BJJ. When it comes to working out there are a vast variety of different training regimens that can have different benefits. What we are looking for in particular is a routine that will help enhance our BJJ performance, by building our endurance so we can last longer in training or Jiu Jitsu competitions and also build our strength and flexibility to help apply our techniques in Jiu Jitsu.

Lastly, let’s touch base on stretching and general tips to help your body recover after Jiu Jitsu. On top of maintaining a healthy diet and working out, it is crucial to do aftercare so that your body doesn’t develop injuries due to over training. In a previous blog, “Avoiding injury in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu” we cover this more in depth if you want to check it out. In that blog is a video regarding how to fix lower back pain from Jiu Jitsu, which gives you some stretches to try out as well as some insight as to why you have lower back pain. While this may seem like a lot to take in, you will hardly notice it after you get into the routine! Now that you are ready and equipped with the knowledge to start your Jiu Jitsu journey, come check us out at Prism Jiu Jitsu! If you are near Escondido CA, and want to schedule a free class now is the time to do it.


Jiu jitsu hygiene


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